Salut, tout huit de mon episodes a propos mon dernier tournee a vingt-troi de payes pour un cent de concerts par moto est publier ici. Proxime 80 artists sans decouvre est presente avec l’histoires de mon voyage. prix libre.


Despite the hectic schedule, my European tour was a windfall for songwriting. The process of riffing, sketching lyrics, notating, fleshing out the songs, performing, and recording took place in less than six months with nothing more than a pencil and paper, violin, and 4-track recorder. The little notebook that collected my energy in 13 countries was a source of inspiration as I recorded alone in a Western PA cabin. The recording (now available on Bandcamp) is rough and raw and the songs will be re-done with thicker orchestrations in 2016 but I am pleased with the demo-quality rendering.

Demo cassettes (on high quality tapes) are available in the US, with a 2016 release planned as a split with my long-lost stepbrother Monsieur Marcaille on Third Type Tapes.

The widely recognized 2014 grindcore album “Longhena” by Gridlink was widely regarded by many heavy music listeners and critics to be one of the excellent metal releases of the year. I was invited to contribute string tracks because of my interaction with singer Jon Chang after performing my acoustic grindcore suite “The Inalienable Dreamless,” my first solo recording and only physical 12″ vinyl (and still reliable set material).

Only a bit of my score went on Longhena on the first and last track, but I worked the rest of my orchestration into a piano reduction of the Gridlink rhythm section and developed an orchestral grindcore suite I have entitled “Constant Autumn.”

The release “International Coven of Dangerous Violinistry will have the fully-edited version of this track.

crucible sound bonus

Most of my music is notated, and I also usually have sheet music on my merchandise table. But I also give free improvisation performances, usually alongside compositions but also in improvised solo and group sets.

Brooklyn: instant composition with Mara Mayer, Valerie Kuehne:

(violin and multiple instruments)

Pittsburgh: improvisation with improv trio Pariah Dog:

Rotterdam: solo acoustic improvisation at Wolfart Gallery

West Virginia: improvisation at voice of the valley noise rally

(solo electric violin with foot percussion)

Dallas, Texas: improvised accompaniment to poem by Christopher Dawood George:


Pittsburgh: improvisation with Marc Edwards:


Lowell, MA: free improvisation at X-Fest

(violin, trumpet, circuit-bent electronics, performance art)