Some selections, media, and reviews from different performance art presentations:

Infinite Midnight Suite:


Alien Wedding Ceremony (collaboration):


Performance at Les Rondez-Fous, St. Mathurin, France:


Fuga Fugue State Statue (collaboration):

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Olive, composed by Joey Molinaro, performed by Joey Molinaro and others:

Quartet for Unspecefied Instruments, performedfinal performance as artist-in-residence at Panoply Lab

Banner Piece for Impromptu Marching Band (on Soundcloud)

Pecha Kucha Indianapolis,

Documentation of Occupy Lincoln Center, featuring Philip Glass, Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson (co-organizer)


format: 5″ CD in handmade packaging
release date: May 26, 2014
edition size:
label: Inverted Music Company

Joey Molinaro’s first release written and recorded specifically for digital media. Pro mastered and replicated.