Performance Art Media
Some selections, media, and reviews from different performance art presentations:
Infinite Midnight Suite:
Alien Wedding Ceremony (collaboration):
Performance at Les Rondez-Fous, St. Mathurin, France:
Fuga Fugue State Statue (collaboration):
Olive, composed by Joey Molinaro, performed by Joey Molinaro and others:
Quartet for Unspecefied Instruments, performedfinal performance as artist-in-residence at Panoply Lab
Banner Piece for Impromptu Marching Band (on Soundcloud)
Pecha Kucha Indianapolis,
Documentation of Occupy Lincoln Center, featuring Philip Glass, Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson (co-organizer)
Say At Last – Who Art Thou?
format: 5″ CD in handmade packaging
release date: May 26, 2014
edition size: –
label: Inverted Music Company
Joey Molinaro’s first release written and recorded specifically for digital media. Pro mastered and replicated.
The Music of Say At Last with Vintage Sequenced Electronics
Music originally written for no-wave chamber-grind quartet Say At Last performed live at Howler’s in Pittsburgh using midi-controlled JUNO-106 and Roland MT-32 video game console. Thanks to Jeffrey Katrencik for the video!